In 4 steps, you can drill a hole into drywall to hang picture frames, mirrors, and other fixtures. You’ll need to locate a wall stud and use a few basic tools to do the job.
Most home interiors are made of drywall, a durable and affordable type of wall. You can mount picture frames, mirrors, and other fixtures directly onto drywall. However, there are limits to how much weight it can hold. The best way to mount objects in drywall is to use a wall stud to avoid damaging the wall.
Colin Young, a mechanical engineer, shares his expert tips on how you can easily drill into drywall, “A homeowner just needs some basic tools. A drill and drill bit for the correct pilot hole size, a standard hammer, and a screwdriver. A stud finder is helpful to make sure the drilling location is good.”
What You’ll Need
- Stud finder
- Masking tape
- Pencil
- Drill bit
- Power drill
- Screw
- Screwdriver
Safety measures: Safety is the most important step for any DIY project. Wear safety glasses and a face mask to protect yourself from dust and debris. I always wear a face mask to avoid triggering my allergies.
Step 1: Locate the Wall Stud

Use a stud finder to locate the wall stud in your drywall. Mark the center of the wall stud with a pencil.
A stud finder can also help you identify where the electrical wires and PVC pipes are located. You can flag these areas on your wall by placing masking tape to avoid drilling into them.
If you’re having difficulty finding a wall stud, you can mount objects directly into drywall using drywall anchors.
Step 2: Identify the Drilling Depth
Before you identify the drilling depth, select a drill bit that’s slightly smaller than the screw you’ll use. The length of the screw will determine the drilling depth.
If you don’t have the screw’s packaging on hand, you can approximate its length by holding it side-by-side with the end of your drill bit. Place some masking tape around your drill bit to signal where you’ll stop drilling into your drywall.
Step 3: Drill the Hole

Slowly drill into the location you marked in the first step at a 90-degree angle. Take your time to avoid damaging your drywall and power drill.
Step 4: Insert the Screw
Once you’ve drilled until your desired depth, insert the screw clockwise into the hole using a screwdriver. Gently tug on the screw to ensure it’s in place. Now you can hang picture frames, mirrors, and even shelving units on the screw.
Additional Reading
Main Image Credit: andranik123 / Adobe Stock / License